Removing the barriers to heat decarbonisation
Decarbonising heat is one of the toughest challenges faced in tackling the urgent climate emergency, says Ian Allan, Head of Market Strategy for heat networks
Decarbonising heat is one of the toughest challenges faced in tackling the urgent climate emergency, says Ian Allan, Head of Market Strategy for heat networks
In the next few years it's unlikely that hot water and heating in new homes will be supplied by individual gas boilers. The focus will move to cleaner energy more affordable systems, such as heat networks, says Richard Slee, CEO of Switch2 Energy.
It’s the Halloween special, and we’re thinking about the scary future as the country commits its ‘dash from gas’... but to what?
This year marks the fourth anniversary of the Heat Network (Metering and Billing) Regulations. Introduced in 2014, we take a look at how the regulations have evolved and what you need to do to remain compliant.
We revisit our infographic that explains how heat networks could help the UK reduce UK emissions.
Our blog post looks at some of the hot topics from 2019.
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