How do heat networks help reduce UK emissions? (Revisited)
We revisit our infographic that explains how heat networks could help the UK reduce UK emissions.
We revisit our infographic that explains how heat networks could help the UK reduce UK emissions.
Our blog post looks at some of the hot topics from 2019.
London Climate Action Week ran from 1 - 8 July 2019. It gave Switch2 a chance to share world-leading low carbon solutions and expertise, that highlight what London is doing to tackle the climate emergency. Our infographic explains why we need to change how we heat our homes for good, and how it helps this cause.
The Housing Forum’s Innovation Forum, supported by the Mayor of London and part of the London Climate Action Week; the session took place on 5th July 2019 and focused on decarbonising the UK’s housing stock. View our SlideShare for more:
Watch our short video explaining what a heat network is and the benefits.
This week we're supporting the first London Climate Action Week.
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