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Can heat meters pay for themselves?

Posted by Ian Allan

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  • Community Heating Posted on 5 June 2024

    Are you ready for the upcoming regulations?

    Heat network regulation is on the horizon. Although we don’t know the specifics, waiting for the regulations to arrive before addressing the efficiency of your heat network could be costly. Building owners must take action now to make sure they have a well-maintained heat network.

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  • Community Heating Posted on 26 April 2024

    Heat Network Maintenance and Government Funding Initiatives

    In our latest webinar, Ian Allan, our Head of Market Strategy at Switch2, and Sam Hales, Low Carbon Consultant at Gemserv, discuss the significance of good maintenance and share information on how to access funding under the Heat Network Efficiency Scheme. Here's a summary of what was covered.

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  • District Heating Posted on 14 December 2023

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

    From everyone at Switch2, we wanted to wish you a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year! 

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  • District Heating Posted on 17 November 2021

    Higher gas prices improves payback of heat network metering

    Record high gas prices have made major news headlines over the last two months, with a handful of mainstream energy companies going bust, due to them not hedging against price increases. Unsurprisingly, this has led to a chain reaction, multiplying the payback of installing individual smart metering systems in homes connected to heat networks and demonstrating a solid investment for heat network owners.

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  • Community Heating Posted on 24 September 2021

    BEIS launches Heat Network Efficiency Scheme (HNES) Demonstrator

    This week (20th September 2021) BEIS announced the launch of the Heat Network Efficiency Scheme (HNES) Demonstrator. The scheme will deploy funding to improve performance of existing District and Communal networks.

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