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Can heat meters pay for themselves?

Posted by Ian Allan

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    On Demand Webinar | Communal Heating Systems: Key elements of a successful heat network strategy

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  • Energy efficiency Posted on 5 October 2022

    Are low cost HIUs a false economy?

    In a recent meeting where we had just presented the ICON connected HIU features and benefits, we were asked the following question: ‘What impact do these additional IoT benefits have on the capital cost of the HIU and what is the expected payback?

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  • Community Heating Posted on 5 October 2022

    Controlling costs and reducing fuel poverty on communal heating schemes – New Switch2 webinar series

    In the current economic climate, controlling costs and mitigating fuel poverty has never been more important for housing associations, local authorities or private developers with heat networks.

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  • Community Heating Posted on 22 September 2022

    Getting fit for heat network improvement funding: Why housing associations and local authorities need to be ahead of the game

    Heat networks in the UK are becoming an increasingly popular way of heating homes under the Government’s strategy to reach Net Zero by 2050. Heat networks have been around in the UK for many years, however due to a lack of knowledge and experience in design, build, operation, and maintenance, have often performed poorly, requiring investment to improve the reliability and reduce costs for building owners and customers alike. This is even more important now that gas and electricity prices are soaring...

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    On Demand Webinar | How can heat network tariffs help to mitigate fuel poverty?

    How can heat network tariffs help to mitigate fuel poverty?

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  • Metering and billing Posted on 2 September 2022

    Unmetered Series: The energy crisis and the Cost Effectiveness Tool

    Anyone reading this will likely already be familiar with the 2014 Heat Network Regulations (HNR). The intention of the HNR’s is to ensure heat consumption is in line with what people need. It works on the assumption that if residents' charges are not linked to consumption, they have no incentive to use heat carefully and this leads to unnecessary carbon emissions, cost, and waste.

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