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Thursday 6th December, 2018

12 energy saving tips at Christmas

Posted by Kirsty Lambert


Christmas can be an expensive time of year, but you can cut costs this winter with the following energy saving tips.


Christmas can be an expensive time of year. Your energy bill can quickly shoot skyward as you find yourself preparing for the big day. Here are 12 energy saving tips to cut your consumption - and your bills - this winter.


1. Buy and decorate a real tree.

Buying and decorating a real tree with baubles and tinsel instead of buying a plastic tree with electric powered lights will effectively reduce your electricity consumption. Plant it outside in the new year and you’ll be able to use it again next year, too!


2. Position is everything.

Keep your decorations away from your radiator so maximum heat will be given out. Your room will heat up more quickly, saving you from turning up the thermostat unnecessarily.


3. Switch to LED lights.

Whether you’re decorating your tree or the outside of your home, use LED lights instead of normal incandescent ones. LED lights will save you around 80% of electrical power and they last longer too.


4. Turn the lights off before you go to bed.

While your Christmas lights make the street look prettier, nobody will see them when you’re all in bed. Leaving them on overnight could cost you at least an additional £20.


5. Wear the knitted jumper your grandma gave you.

Even though you might not like her handmade woollies, wrapping up warm will mean you’re less likely to turn the heating up


6. Turn the heating down when you’re cooking.

Cool things down in the kitchen by turning down the thermostat - enough warmth will be given off from your oven and all those sprouts you’re boiling.


7. Stuff more than the turkey in the oven.

Plan to perfection and cook multiple things at once to get efficient use from your oven. Cooking multiple dishes in an Energy Saving Trust recommended oven will reduce your consumption even further.


8. Don’t overwork your dishwasher.

The festive season may cause the urge to abuse your dishwasher. Wait until it’s completely loaded before putting it on. Go one step further by using its economy programme.


9. Swap the electronic devices for board games.

After dinner, spend some quality time with your family by opting for traditional board games. By putting away new gadgets and devices and turning off the TV, you’ll keep consumption at a minimum.


10. Don’t leave the electronics on charge (or leave chargers without electronics).

It’s easy to forget about things when you’re rushing around with plates of appetisers and topping up drinks. Charging things that are at 100% still drives costs up, while leaving chargers plugged without connecting them to their device, still consumes .26 watts of energy.


11. Don’t leave your new gadgets on standby overnight.

As the night draws to a close, you’ll want to slip into bed in a food-induced stupor. But before you relax, make a special effort to switch everything off rather than leaving it on standby. Electronics left on standby contribute to 10% - 15% of the yearly household energy bill.


12. Block up your unused chimney.

Your chimney is not only a source of draughts, but it also allows a lot of heat to escape from your house. By blocking up any chimneys which aren’t being used with a chimney balloon or a fireplace shield, you could save hundreds of pounds in heating bills. Just remember to leave a note for Santa asking him to use the front door!


Have we missed any?

Do you have any great energy saving tips to keep costs down this winter? Share them below in the comments!


Did you know that being part of a community heating scheme can also help reduce energy bills? Find out more. Get your free eGuide now: The benefits of community heating: a guide for residents

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